Little Thing

I don't have a touching yet inspiring stories ever happened in my life, but I would be glad to share you a story of mine and it happened when I was a primary kid. It may be not worth mentioning to some of you but it definitely meant a lot to me, as a kid back then.

I was the most petite girl among the classmates in my school. I was often assigned to queue at either the first or second row in the class. I used to tiptoe when ordering foods in the canteen because worried that the lady boss couldn't saw me.  I wasn't an outstanding student with excellent results. Neither good in sports or all sort of competitions.

I have three elder sisters but I was different from them. They brought back results with flying colors and won countless of competitions. Mom gave them a cupboard to keep trophies and medals. Yea, the cupboard was fully occupied. I always wondered if I had a chance to win a medal in school and brought back one for my mom, proudly. Unfortunately, thing will never happened as you wish. Mom was not encouraging me to participate in what-so-ever competitions. What she wanted was I put 200% efforts on academic. When time went by, I stopped imagining. I dared not to ask for more after few times of requesting. I continued with my study, homework, and exams. I remembered I was one of the five students who stayed in classroom when other kids went for Sport Day's rehearsal. Peeked from the window and wondered if I was capable to win a prize if my participation was allowed. Well, I sat back and continued with my Mathematics practices.

I often regretted that I couldn't brought back a medal with my name written. The feeling was getting stronger. Until I grew up to standard six... Annual Sport Carnival was approaching. As usual, pupils participated actively. I didn't want to give up this one last chance before graduated. At the end I've voiced up. I decided to talk to my mom.

I participated in racing. Five pupils in a group with all legs fasten with two laths. The game rules were similar to "Three-legged race". Just that pupils needed to queue vertically. Yes, you are right. I was the most petite so I was chosen to be the first one of the line (doesn't mean that I was the leader of that team). This game highly depended on concerted efforts and silent understanding. The hardest part was the belts used to fasten our legs were too solid. On the first day of training, we can't even walked more than 5 steps with the equipment on. To trained silent understanding among members, coach taught us a slogan. Regrettably, we still couldn't worked it well on the last day before Sport Carnival. The belts were driving us crazy even though we wore shoes. I felt hopeless at the moment. I might broke the promise that I made.

Here came the Sport Carnival. All the pupils were ready for the competitions. "On your mark. Get set. GO!" We made the first step right after the whistle blew. I can't recalled where did we got the spirit and ability. None of us were alerted on the other teams. "Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right..." We kept moving forward despite the pain on the legs. At the end of the race, we won. The acclamation still in my mind. And yea... I brought back a medal. The first championship in my life :) 

All the little things may give you polish. Be grateful of what we had and having now. Nothing comes easy. Achieve what you want to achieve is the biggest glowing moment of yours regardless small or big the goal is. Remember. Be the one who INSPIRE YOURSELF!


  1. And you are my little and petite girl! Don't give up easily, I will stay your side, inspire you, give the most encouragement for every hardships and difficulties that you encounter. :D


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